Thursday 22 December 2011

Cold Sore Remedies

Even celebs need cold sore remedies

Even celebrities need cold sore remedies
Congratulations on your decision to start your search for the right Cold Sore Remedies available to al of us today. A typical search on the internet may reveal hundreds of different kinds of remedies, they may be prescribed or over the counter or even home made remedies. Sometimes these remedies are hard to assess and judge, however here we will separate the truths from the fiction and provide you with solid unbiased information you can trust.

How To Get Rid Of a Cold Sore Really Fast

There are many cold sore remedies you can choose from

Everyone often asks me how to get rid of a cold sore fast and my answer is the best way to do this is by managing the virus and treating it effectively as opposed to prodding and poking it at every occasion. I want to start this entry by going over some basic but essential information about the virus and the remedies that are available, then I will discuss the option of how to prevent a infection and finally how to get rid of the infection through various remedies and treatments. The virus is caused by Herpes simplex virus type1, this is the type of virus which stays within your body once you have contracted it, Type 1 is what you associate with cold sore and Type 2 is what you would associate with the genital virus, you must remember that they are not identical and will not stem from one another. The virus once contracted remains dormant within the body until it is activated by a certain external factor which will be discussed later. The virus is usually caught during childhood and unfortunately the body's immune system is not strong enough to fight off the disease and as a result remains within our nerve cells, most of the virus is located within the cheekbone which is why they are so prevalent in that area.

What Is A Cold Sore And How Do I Get Rid Of It?

What is a Cold Sore?

A lot of people ask me What is a cold sore and here we try and cut through all the ambiguous terminology to provide you with a short explanation. A sore in my opinion is a type of blister that forms around the jaw, it is present most times on the lips or around the lips. The severity of the infection can vary depending on how active the herpes simplex virus is but do not worry it is completely treatable. I will explain how you can detect the infection early and the remedies that are available and how you can conceal the area to make it disappear so please read on.

The virus is often contracted in childhood when the bodies defence cannot completely remove the virus and as a result it remains within the body dormant near the nerve cells, they are often situated in the jaw area and can be triggered by a number of factors. What you should do is try and prevent the infection from forming by avoiding all the triggers.

How Long Does a Cold Sore Last For And How Do I Minimise It?

If you manage your cold sore it will heal faster

This is one of the most popular questions amongst cold sore sufferers after what are the best remedies. The period of time the sore lasts depends on many factors and typically if left on its own to heal will past up-to 12 days. This period may be shorter or longer for others but I would say that this is the average time. Do not worry! there are many ways you can accelerate the process which will be revealed in later posts.

Can I Pop My Cold Sore Without Scarring?

can a cold sore be popped
pop a cold sore at your own peril

Cold sores and blisters near the mouth are a common irritation for people who suffer from this viral disease, the 
virus usually starts by a tingling sensation and then quickly turns into a blister that is full of fluid. You might be tempted to pop the blister but this is the worst thing you can do, not only will popping the infection make it last longer it will contaminate the surrounding areas so that more infections may appear. You are better off managing the cold sore rather than thinking that once you pop it the healing process will take place.

How To Get Rid Of a Cold Sore in 24 Hours

Fast cold sore remedies
quick cold sore remedies

Sometimes people take drastic steps to get rid of a cold sore in 1 day. I would never recommend these methods as they are sometimes very dangerous however there are many people on the internet for whom this method has worked. This in my opinion must be used as a last resort and this is totally going against what the general consensus think about how to treat the infection. This method is truly bonkers however because so many people swear by it I have included it in my Cold Sore Remedies HQ.

Do I Have A Cold Sore Or Is It Something Else Like Acne?

Do I have a cold sore or is it something else?

Many people are unsure whether they have a cold sore or not, one of the most common question that sufferers ask at the beginning is do I have a the sore or is it something else? The best way to determine whether you have the virus or not is to visit your local doctor. It is not worth self diagnosing yourself with a problem that may just be something else like a rash or another form of acne. If you are not able to get to a trained physician then here are some guidelines that you can follow to determine whether you have the infection or not.